Spring Time Ready in my Simplicity S8911 Dress

Spring Time Ready in my Simplicity S8911 Dress

Finally, Spring is here. So Glad! Can I get an AMEN! I wanted to start the new season off with a new dress. Okay not entirely a new dress but let’s say a new color. I have made the simplicity S8911 sewing pattern several times now and thought I would share my...
How to sew professional Seams without a serger

How to sew professional Seams without a serger

No serger? No problem. These are some seam finishes you can use that can still help you to make your garment look nice, clean, and professional. To recieve your a download of how the different seams you can use and what type of fabric and when to use them, Please...
Its not Store Bought! I made it.

Its not Store Bought! I made it.

“Babe that looks like you got that from Dillards or Macy’s or something LOL”.  Words spoken by my husband. That is the highest compliment you can pay a sewist, that their work looks like its store bought. That brings me to my latest make the Mimi G...